Via Regia is a publishing company started by me, Zachary Elwood. So far I've only published my own books, but I'm theoretically interested in publishing other people's books, if the subject matter is interesting to me. I also use this site for random blog posts that don't fit on my poker blog or on my Medium account.
What is the significance of the name Via Regia?
Sigmund Freud, in his book The Interpretation of Dreams, called dreams the "via regia" to the unconscious mind. Via Regia is translated as 'royal road' or 'king's road'. It is not a specific road, but a type of road—one that was usually owned or overseen by the rulers of an area. It was known as the most direct and unencumbered way to travel between two places. This is why Freud chose this term to represent what he saw as the direct connection between dreams and the mind’s hidden thoughts and desires.